New PT Dr TJ McClurg

In the video below we take a moment to introduce you to the newest member of our team. You have likely seen his face on our social media, or at one of our more recent workshops. We are so excited to have Dr TJ McClurg with us at Personalized Physical Therapy and...

Clenching Teeth And Stress Relief

Good evening, everybody. I’m Dr. Sarvar Pathan and I have Dr Jane Bowser. We’re back with this COVID-19 Health series, and we want to talk about some stress relief techniques. These are unusual times, when you are having to put on mask, hold your breath...

SCM Neck Muscle Pain Relief

Good morning everyone. This is Dr. Sarvar Pathan and Dr Jane Bowser are back again for our COVID-19 Health series that we were doing, but we’re going to change things up. And we’re going to now do more preventative and injury related issues. Today we are...

Tennis Elbow Part 2

Good afternoon, Dr. Sarvar Pathan here from Personalized Physical Therapy and Wellness with Dr. Jane. We’re back again with part two of our tennis elbow series. We’re talking about the treatment for tennis elbow. If you missed the part one for the causes...

Tennis Elbow Affecting Your Golf Swing?

Good evening everyone. Dr. Sarvar Pathan here from Personalized Physical Therapy and Wellness back again with Dr. Jane, and we had a little breather in the week last week, but we are back. This time we were talking about, can you have tennis elbow while you’re...

Tennis Tips from the Tennis Pro!

Good morning everybody. I am Dr. Sarvar Pathan. I am the owner of personalized physical therapy and wellness and I have Nanette Huff. She is a personal trainer with Robin Hood YMCA, a local YMCA. She is a personal trainer at old time Country Club and she has been...

TeleWell and Your Physical Wellness

The video below is only 15 minutes long and it walks through how to use the TeleWell system as well as how we do our initial wellness examinations virtually. Take a look. If you would rather read about it, the text below is the video transcription of the conversation....

Best Tips For Relieving Shoulder Pain

Avoid the irritating movement Most often than not, you will find that there are particular movements that results in the shoulder pain. Your aim should be to find the activity that is causing pain and avoid doing it. If it is pushups, lifting weights, or serving...

Walking – Best Activity Recommend

Walking is one of the most important milestones in a human’s life. Surprisingly enough, most people start walking at approximately 1 year of age making it a pillar to many other body movement advancements. Walking serves as one of the best forms of exercise for life....