Don’t Keep Injury Secrets!

Physical therapists are experts in dealing with injuries, but your PT can’t help if they don’t know about your injury!You might be wondering who would keep an injury secret. The answer is – lots of people!The first thing that comes to your mind might...

Pelvic Mobility in Golf Stance

We get this question a lot… how important is it to have mobility in the pelvic area for golf? Will being stiff actually affect my game. The short answers are very important and yes it really will. Dr TJ walks us through in just 2 minutes some techniques you can...

New PT Dr TJ McClurg

In the video below we take a moment to introduce you to the newest member of our team. You have likely seen his face on our social media, or at one of our more recent workshops. We are so excited to have Dr TJ McClurg with us at Personalized Physical Therapy and...