Is it Safe?

Every medical intervention has risks and benefits. Our therapists have been properly trained in safe techniques to minimize risk of adverse effects. Your therapist can talk to you about particular risks for your specific injury.

What is it?

A skilled technique by trained medical professionals. A thin filiform needle is inserted into the body for the purpose of impacting specific anatomical structures.

Should I Get Dry Needling?

Dry needling is just one tool we have in our “toolbox” and this is one tool we can use that may be very effective for you. Talk to your therapist more to see if it is the right technique for you!

Side Effects

The most common adverse effects are similar to a standard vaccination or injection – minor bleeding, brusising, or soreness.

Why Do We Do it?

A skilled technique by trained medical professionals. A thin filiform needle is inserted into the body for the purpose of impacting specific anatomical structures.