We get this question a lot… how important is it to have mobility in the pelvic area for golf? Will being stiff actually affect my game. The short answers are very important and yes it really will. Dr TJ walks us through in just 2 minutes some techniques you can use to loosen up before stepping up to the putt that can make all the difference in your drive below. Take a listen!

Seems like it should be an obvious, Yes. But what you’ll find if you go ahead and do this in the mirror, at some point tonight, is that it’s a lot harder to do that than you think. So, when I asked, you know back to kind of revert to that kinematic sequence and the timing, if you can’t move your hips without moving your trunk, how can you control your timing. So, we’re not only looking at our ability to dissociate and our ability to kind of create coordination and timing, but also, we’re warming up the muscles of our pelvis, that glute Medius.  I said, is important for creating power, or basically turning that muscle on by rotating our pelvis and turning on and activating those muscles of the hips. So, I’ll go ahead and embarrass myself here and show you a video of me doing it. Instead, it looks like a salsa dance. The important thing to remember here, and I’ll show you kind of once we’re done with the video is it’s positive here, when I rotate, my shoulders are in line with my feet, and my hips should not cross that line. So, if I look up and down, as I’m rotating, I should never leave that because that means I’m then swaying my hips side to side. And that’s just like that golf swing and kainic that we talked about is injury inducing, because it involves lateral flexion. So, the hips shouldn’t be rocking side to side, you should create a box from your shoulders, your feet, and your hips should not leave that box. And you should, you can go start off slow and you can go quicker as you gain confidence with it and gain control with it. But really, the coordination is going to be a lot more difficult for most of you than I would anticipate than you expect it to be. So, I’ll show it again here. And you see my shoulders really don’t move a whole lot. Now they move a little bit more than I’d like them to. But the point of the purpose of that is to keep the trunk as still as possible and let the hips just purely rotate because that is kind of the foundation of a golf swing. That rotation to the right in your back swing for writing the golfer and that rotation to the left for a left-handed golfer. And we’ll get one last time there.

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