Good evening everyone. Dr. Sarvar Pathan here from Personalized Physical Therapy and Wellness back again with Dr. Jane, and we had a little breather in the week last week, but we are back. This time we were talking about, can you have tennis elbow while you’re playing golf?

There are three common reasons tennis elbow with a golf swing can happen.

  1. The first one is the actual grip, you may be holding the club too strong with your top hand, you know, Jane is right handed and so she’s holding the club with the top hand on on towards her and the bottom hand on the bottom, you want the bottom hand to be the force generating hand and the top end is a guy and you don’t have to hold and grip too hard when you’re when you’re developing your swing. Just be careful with gripping because that grip can build up a lot of tension on the outside and that’s going to be a typical case, your right hand and it’s going to be the tennis elbow would develop on the outside the left hand On the top of the left hand, and so gripping too hard to grip real to pretty strong, because you can see on her forearms, you can start seeing some cuts. When you start to see that that’s not not so good. You’re supposed to grip it no tighter than you would be holding your steering wheel when you’re driving your car. That’s a great, that’s a great analogy. Perfect.

2) The second one way you may experience tennis elbow in your golf swing is the actual weight of the club. You do want to evaluate and assess what you know over time, what you know, your your your weight and tolerance to the weight of the club changes. You do want to evaluate as either that you’re coming back after a little breather from COVID-19. You know, having adjusted to the weight, or that you know, now you need to start looking at different size and different the weight of the club in general. So that could be the second potentially at the other time and the way it can matter.

Is the golf bag and which hand you’re using and lifting and carrying to heavy? Be careful with the mechanics and the heavy heaviness of the bag.

3) The third is the actual swing, or posture of the swing. Let’s have Jane a show us a not so good golf swing. There you go. So there was a lot of breaking of the wrist right here. One more time. Nice and slow, breaking there, or breaking there. There was a lot of tension and strain on the outside of the elbow and mechanics that can lead to tennis elbow in your golf game.

Wait for part two, where we’re going to do the treatment part for how to fix these causes. In the meantime, I wanted to go back and look at all of these three mechanics when you are swinging when you’re holding or when what is the weight of the club. All right, well thank you again Jane for joining in and thank you everyone who’s watching and will be tuning in later on.

Want help with improving your golf swing posture, form, and game? Book a TeleWell appointment with us so we can help you diagnose what is stopping you from your perfect game!