Winter Strong Series

Get strong and fit this winter season.

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Winter Strong Workshop Series in partnership with the Shepherd’s Center of Greater Winston-Salem

When: Every Thursday in February 2021 at 5pm

Where: Via Zoom so we can all stay warm and COVID-free

What: These FREE workshops include a variety of topics focused on keeping active adults strong, healthy, and thriving.

Next Workshop: February 11th @ 5pm

Led by Dr. TJ McClurg and Dr. Sarvar Pathan of PPTAW, both of whom are doctors of physical therapy and specialize in Orthopedic care, it will cover:

  • the nature of arthritis
  • factors that can increase the symptoms felt from arthritis
  • exercises that can be performed when first waking to reduce the negative effects of waking up stiff in the morning

“I am so glad that two fellow tennis players recommended I see Dr. Pathan. I have had recurring shoulder and knee issues, and Sarvar has helped tremendously with both issues. He is extremely knowledgeable and explains not only a treatment plan, but why he has chosen the treatments/exercises for you. He seems to have a genuine interest in your overall well-being and asks questions about medical history, prior and present fitness levels, and fitness goals.

Dr. Pathan’s approach to PT is motivating. He explains that his goals for you involve an improved quality of life. He helps you understand both your baseline and your upside potential and is attentive and encouraging.” ~ Mark Gould